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New Issue Out Now!

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from Men's Fitness
5th August 2016

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The time for change - new issue out now!

It’s said a change is as good as a rest – but in the pursuit of living a better life, I’d say stepping up is far more beneficial than lying down.
The brand new issue of Men’s Fitness - out now - has one theme running from the first page to the last, and it’s the importance of trying to do things differently. To do things better.
Inside we bring you an interview with Rudimental’s DJ Locksmith, fresh from a 30-day fat-loss challenge. We put the spotlight on action hero Matt Damon, who’s rolled back the years to reprise his role as Jason Bourne. And we’ve got an exclusive training feature with golf superstar Rory McIlroy, whose new-found love of lifting weights has driven his career to incredible heights.
You’ll read a lot of instantly applicable training, nutrition and life tips from these men, who’ve put their reputations and bodies on the line to dominate the stage, the screen and the green.
But the beauty of change is that it’s all relative. For you to lead to a fitter, healthier and happier life, all it takes is small steps in the right direction. Start today and those little steps will soon make a big difference.

Enjoy the issue,


Joe Warner, editorial director

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The need for speed

Thanks to the dominance of British road riders such as Tour de France winner Chris Froome, Olympic legend Bradley Wiggins and speed demon Mark Cavendish, more people than ever are taking to two wheels and rediscovering their competitive streak. But it doesn’t matter how much cash you spend on the latest and best bike or essential high-tech gadgets and kit, because you’ll only ever go as fast as your training and diet plan allows. Here are some tips from the professional riders of the Ford EcoBoost cycling team – put their advice into action and increase your saddle speed and stamina.

Eat like a champion
WHY Your body is just like a car: fill it with premium fuel and it will blast through the kilometres smoothly. But feed it with poor-quality rough stuff and your engine will suffer. For pro cyclists like Ford EcoBoost rider Nikki Juniper, fuelling up for training and racing, and ensuring they give their bodies the nutrients they need to recover faster, is vital to their success.
HOW “It’s not uncommon for us to ride up to 1,000km per week, so things like porridge, protein pancakes or scrambled eggs on toast are perfect, especially to get you through the first part of any journey,” says Juniper. She suggests a breakfast containing both carbs and protein to maximise your muscles’ energy stores.

Push it with your pals
WHY We all know how hard it can be at times to stick to your training schedule, especially when the session planned is a long and hard road ride and the British summer time is living up to its grey, wet and windy traditions. That’s why cycling with a group of mates can help motivate you all to push yourselves harder, thanks to a bit of friendly rivalry – no-one will want to be the slowcoach of the group.
HOW “You gain a lot from training with others, especially on the road,” says Juniper’s Team EcoBoost team-mate Sophie Fennell. “It allows you to watch and understand how other riders ride, and you can pick up new techniques and skills.”

Be smarter in the saddle
WHY Unless you’re riding exclusively in the Netherlands, sooner or later you’re going to face riding up a dauntingly steep hill or a stretch of seemingly endless incline. The good news is once it’s conquered the downhill bit is easy. Until then you need to nail your approach so you can actually get to the top in the first place.
HOW The key is never start too hard, hoping that will get it over and done with quicker. “Keep a good cadence [speed of pedal turnover], rather than grinding out the higher gears,’ says Juniper. A controlled and consistent approach is the best way to make steep climbs as easy as possible, then all you have to do is enjoy the view - and the descent.

For more on Team FordEcoBoost, click here.

Stretch away stress

Struggling to de-stress? Then try stretching it away – you’ll improve both how you feel and your long-term health. People who practised yoga for 90 minutes twice a week for three months reported lower feelings of both stress and fatigue, with blood tests showing a 10-15% reduction in the key biological markers for inflammation, according to research published in the American Society Of Clinical Oncology journal. Long-term chronic inflammation is thought to be responsible for many life-threatening conditions, including heart disease and cancer, so get into yoga or other meditation-based exercise to stay feeling fit, happy and healthy.

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Be the first to Conquer The FitBit Fifty Endurance Challenge - Apply Now!

Fitbit and our friends over at Coach magazine are offering amateur athletes across Britain an all-expenses paid place in the inaugural edition of this groundbreaking event, organised by event experts Human Race. Find out more here.

The sweet taste of success

Indulging your sweet tooth when on a diet might not spell disaster for your fat-loss plan. Indeed, it might be the key to getting into better shape. People who eat chocolate several times a week are slimmer than those who only eat it very occasionally, even though it’s high in calories from sugar and fat. Other factors, such as daily activity levels, were also included in the research, published in the Archives Of Internal Medicine journal. It’s thought that having a little bit of what you fancy isn’t just good for you mentally because it gives you a brief time-out from your diet, but it might also help you to continue to burn fat by spiking levels of the hormone leptin, which tells your brain you are getting enough energy so it continues to release fat from cells to burn as fuel. Just don’t make every day cheat meal day.
MF expert view: “When planning a cheat meal you should try to be sensible with portion size," says Shaun Stafford, performance director at City Athletic gym in London ( "Instead of having a whole takeaway to yourself, share it with someone – and you don’t have to eat a whole tub of Ben & Jerry’s just because you’ve opened it! This approach will prevent you going overboard, while providing a psychological boost that’ll keep you on track.”

Dennis Publishing Ltd.