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The vital apps for modern men

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from Men's Fitness
17th June 2016

The vital apps for modern men

Users spend 200 million minutes a day catapulting themselves at pigs - that’s a lot of time you could spend on more productive apps… like these
Need an opinion on the impending global food crisis? Overcrowding on Everest? Nihilistic cats? Maybe not, but informing yourself about them might do you good anyway: regular reading boosts your vocabulary, enhances your memory and improves analytical thinking. News app Briefly curates the best long-form journalism from the internet, condenses it into a digestible three-minute read, then gives you the link to read more. Essential stuff (even if you hate dinner parties). 
Mindfulness is big right now, and a growing body of research suggests that meditation can help your cognitive skills, improve concentration and even help make cardio workouts more productive. Headspace is the app in-the-know athletes and professionals use – it makes money through selling subscriptions to its guided meditations, but anyone can try the service for free through the “Take 10” program, which offers ten ten-minute sessions. 
Be honest: you should know the difference between Monet and Manet by now. But the pay-off for brushing up goes beyond gallery-based smugness. According to a platoon of studies, exposure to art can boost critical thinking skills, reduce stress and – yes – activate the brain’s pleasure centres. DailyArt will do the hard work for you, showing you one masterwork every day, complete with a mini-art history lesson.

Bourne Again

Matt Damon is 45. 45! And while he presumably has a personal chef and a masseuse and a duvet made of space-wool we don’t begrudge him that too much, because the main tool he used to get in pit-fight shape for Bourne 5 was a Versaclimber. In case you’re unfamiliar, these full-body workout machines mimic a sort of crawling/climbing motion, and they’re hot right now – partly as the centrepiece of none-more-boutique studio Rise Nation, based in LA. If there’s one in your chosen gym (unlikely), then go on it immediately: your prescription is the “reverse Tabata” or doing ten seconds on, then 20 seconds of active recovery, for four full minutes of lung-relocating work. Sounds almost too easy? Get back to us later.

Get your heart racing

Just a couple of hours of exercise a week is all it takes to significantly improve your skills and stamina between the sheets, according to a new study published in the Journal Of Sexual Medicine. Of the 300 subjects in the self-reported study those who performed the most physical activity each week saw the greatest improvements in their quality and frequency of erections and orgasms, while those who did the least exercise reported lower sexual function and satisfaction. Those who recorded the most significant improvements were those who performed 18 "metabolic equivalents" or METS of exercise per week, which equates to two hours of strenuous training, 3½ hours of moderate activity or six hours of light exercise. Dr Stephen Freedland, co-author on the study, said that people keen to improve their sex lives should do whatever exercise they liked. "When it comes to exercise, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, we are confident that even some degree of exercise, even if less intense, is better than no exercise at all."

Going off the boil

Broccoli: the simple, versatile food that'll make your diet more healthy instantly – but if you want to make sure you're getting maximum health-enhancing nutrients from it, you need to get smarter with your saucepan and start steaming. That's the best cooking method to preserve broccoli's nutrients, including vitamin C and glucosinolate (the compound thought to be responsible for the cruciferous vegetable's cancer-fighting properties), according to a study from Zhejiang University in China. Boiling leaches more nutrients from veg than other methods because that's when it spends the longest time exposed to both heat and water. The researchers found that microwaving was second best because although the heat is intense it doesn't last long, with stir-frying next. Soak up even more nutrients by adding a knob of butter to freshly steamed veg because your body needs fat to better absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

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