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What Counts Towards Your 5-A-Day?

Our quiz will help you hit the new magic number of 10-a-day
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24 February 2017

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What Counts Towards Your Five-a-Day?

The fruit and veg quiz you never knew you needed READ MORE ▸

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Five A Day Good, Ten A Day Even Better

A new study suggests the benefits get bigger with twice the fruit and veg READ MORE ▸

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How To Do Triceps Dips

Dips are a great compound bodyweight exercise that adds real mass to your triceps READ MORE ▸

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Plantar Fasciitis: How To Spot, Treat And Prevent This Runner's Nightmare

Few things will derail your marathon training quicker than this cursed heel pain READ MORE ▸

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Why 10,000 Steps A Day Is An Excellent Target

Haters gonna hate, you just keep on keeping on READ MORE ▸

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