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New issue - out now!

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from Men's Fitness
22nd July 2016

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Look great, feel great - new issue out now!

There’s a meme that’s currently popular among the fitness community on Instagram which claims that food is the world’s most abused drug while exercise is its most under-utilised medicine. Unlike most memes, especially the “motivational” ones that only motivate me to log out of my account, this one I like. It’s all too easy to try to eat yourself happy and all too hard to drag yourself to the gym when life’s got you down. After all, if you’re feeling on top of the world, chances are you’re going to have an amazing session. It’s another story when the world’s on top of you.

Take it outside
But as new research inside the new issue reveals exercise, especially outdoors, is the quickest and easiest way to turn your frown upside down. And when you’re happy it’s that much easier to keep your fitness mission on course. The brand new issue of Men’s Fitness is packed with the latest and best training and food advice, but we don’t just want you to look great – we want you to feel great too. So with our help, you’ll build your best-ever body and be ready to tackle whatever life throws at you. Because when you look good and feel good, there’s nothing you can’t do.
Joe Warner, editorial director

Run outside to get fitter and happier

Modern life getting you down? To escape suburban stress you don’t need to head for the hills – but you should take to the trails. People who exercise in the great outdoors have less activity in the brain region associated with stress, depression and mental illness than those who work out in an urban environment, according to MRI scan research from Stanford University in the US. “Running off the beaten track is a fantastic way to reinvigorate your cardio training – it provides a new physical and mental challenge that gives you a fresh perspective on life, as well as making you appreciate the great outdoors,” says Robbie Britton, a Team GB ultramarathon runner and coach.

Boost your libido - with food!

Low testosterone levels are associated with a whole host of health problems, including weight gain and a loss of muscle mass and bone density, as well as decreased libido. If you want to increase your sex drive while satisfying your sweet tooth, then try out these three libido-boosting treats.
Watermelon: High levels of citrulline, an amino acid found to increase blood flow by the University of Foggia, make melon nature’s Viagra.
Grapes: Eating a small bunch every day can raise testosterone and make your sperm stronger swimmers, according to Hong Kong University.
Chocolate: People who eat a single piece of dark chocolate every day enjoy a more active sex life, according to the Journal Of Sexual Medicine.

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Be the first to Conquer The FitBit Fifty Endurance Challenge - Apply Now!

Fitbit and our friends over at Coach magazine are offering amateur athletes across Britain an all-expenses paid place in the inaugural edition of this groundbreaking event, organised by event experts Human Race. Find out more here.

Are you hooked on caffeine?

Almost one in five Brits now drink more than six caffeinated drinks per day, with 27% claiming they need caffeine to combat tiredness, and 18% saying it’s for better concentration. The findings, from drinks firm Barleycup, suggest that as a nation we are reliant on the stimulating properties of caffeinated beverages to get through the day. The European Food Safety Agency advises staying within a limit of 400mg of caffeine a day, which is about four cups of instant coffee. Too much caffeine too often can increase the time it takes you to fall asleep and impair sleep quality when you do nod off. There are also many health benefits to moderate coffee consumption: people who drink three or four cups a day have the lowest risks of death by any cause, according to the American Journal Of Epidemiology.
MF expert view: “A coffee 30 to 60 minutes before training will reduce your perceived rate of exertion, which means you can exercise harder for longer,” says  Matt Warner, head of personal training at Ultimate Performance Manchester. “Caffeine also increases the rate at which you burn fat, and increases focus and concentration. But don’t have one after your session: it will raise cortisol levels already high from the stress of training.”

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3 bigger-biceps tricks

Try these three expert tips to add major arm size

Drop the weight
Not literally, at the end of the set, but at the beginning – by decreasing the load you lift.
Why it works: “So many people think that growing bigger biceps means using bigger dumbbells, but that’s not the case,” says former Royal Marines PTI Sean Lerwill. “Reducing the weight and performing slow and controlled reps will build muscle faster because it makes your biceps do all the work so you can’t cheat using momentum.”

Fix your elbows
“Your elbows need to be locked into the right position, close to your sides, so they don’t move when you lift then lower the weight,” says Lerwill.
Why it works: If your elbows move during a rep, you’re taking tension off your biceps. “You can also make a biceps curl even more effective by keeping your elbows behind your body. This will prevent any cheat reps and keep the biceps engaged,” Lerwill adds.

Tense your triceps
Fully straightening your arm at the bottom of each curl rep ensures you move through the fullest range of motion.
Why it works: “When you tense your triceps to fully straighten your arm before you start another curl, it makes your biceps muscles move through a full range and work harder,” says Lerwill. “It also acts to refocus your mind ahead of every rep, and greater focus means greater results.”

Dennis Publishing Ltd.