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New Issue Out Now!

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from Men's Fitness
4th October 2016

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Your new issue is out now!

With all the top training, nutrition and life advice in each issue of Men’s Fitness, it’s always hard to pick my favourite story. But this month, if there’s one article that encapsulates everything MF stands for, it’s the results of our celebrity body challenge with Jamie Theakston and Andy Goldstein. The two radio presenters have more in common than their profession: they’re both in their mid-40s, work unsociable hours that undermine the three pillars of fitness (regular exercise, a healthy diet and quality sleep), and had reached a point in their lives where they had to make positive changes to the way they looked and felt. Unlike most people who seek a shortcut to success – which inevitably leads to failure – Jamie and Andy took a slower and sustainable approach, and both ended up radically transforming their bodies to look, and more importantly feel, 20 years younger.
The lesson for us all? It’s never too late to start your journey to improved health and fitness. Whatever your goal – a better body, setting a new PB or simply getting in shape so you can do more of the things you love for longer – you hold in your hands all you need to get, and stay, fit for life.

Enjoy the issue,


Joe Warner

Get 5 issues of Men's Fitness for just £5. Click here for more details.

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Changing the record

Late-night finishes, early-morning curries and long days in the studio - the life of a radio DJ isn’t exactly conducive to a poster-boy physique. But when MF challenged Jamie Theakston and Andy Goldstein to get back to their best, both men were more than just talk. Read the full feature in the November issue - out now!

Drink tea, burn fat

Tea isn’t just a British institution, it’s an office rescue-remedy that’s been shown to alleviate stress and boost relaxation, according to UCL research. But in recent years there’s been an alarming  slide in this tradition. Sales of ordinary teabags fell 14% between 2013 and 2015 in the UK and are set to drop another 5% in 2016. So what’s the magic number? The study found four daily cups of black tea keeps stress hormone cortisol in check. Alternatively, you could drink the increasingly popular green tea – which has seen UK sales rise 39% in two years – for its fat-burning antioxidants.

Shaun Stafford's Tri-Set Workout

Want big results but short of gym time? Get the new issue for MF cover star Shaun Stafford's arms-building tri-set workout to add muscle faster!

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