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The complete gym that fits into your car boot


PLUS: Why Oreos are vegan-friendly
6 May 2016
Nomad Way creator and always-shirtless Instagram sensation Andrew Tracey takes us through his go-anywhere gym set-up

Ko8 Trainer
“I can hook this up anywhere for dips and rows, or use it as a harness for pushing/pulling sleds (aka my work van). Plus the adjustable bands enable me to hit some isolation stuff I otherwise wouldn't be able to.”

Gymnastics rings
“I use the rings for similar stuff but generally just to vary my grip on chin-ups. I also loop them through my KB for high pulls and curls.”

Skipping rope
“I generally try to skip between sets to keep my heart rate up. It's the basis of my Metabolic Volume Training programme.”

“I use it for climbing, pull-ups, looping through stuff for curls, extensions, rows… and it's just generally handy when rigging the other gear up.”

Adidas Powerlift 2 Shoes
“Much like a belt, they're like having someone hold your hand when you cross the road – they may not add any actual value but I feel more snug. With these lifters it’s like being bolted to the ground, and every time I strap them on I picture the scene from Iron Man 2 where Happy Hogan slides the suitcase armour to Tony and it straps itself on all around him.”



Kipping pull-ups? Over. CrossFitters have suffered years of ridicule for the occasionally fish-like contortions they go through to get themselves through their muscle-ups, but enough is apparently enough. In the CrossFit Games Regionals, which start next week, competitors will be doing a circuit that involves 40 muscle-ups – strict. If that sounds like a ludicrous proposal, we’ll direct you to Ryan Ford, who can make one rep last for 60 seconds, and to the Instagram of A_SilverMtZion, who’s about to make you feel insanely weak. Once you’ve recovered, start with this video and work from there. Your pride demands it.

Finally, an event that plays to all your strengths

The Beer Mile – consisting of pounding a cold one and then running one lap of an athletics track, four times – is a well-established event in America, with television coverage, pro athletes participating and a scarcely-believable record time of 4min 47sec for the whole thing. And now – yes! - it’s coming to the UK. Canada’s Lianne Girard, currently ranked sixth-best female in the world with a time of 6min 42sec, says that right now she is “focusing on expanding the stomach”. The Beer Mile World Classic championship race – the flagship event – will take place in London this year, as a part of an all-day beer and running festival.

“We are very proud to call London the host city of the 2016 World Classic,” says race organiser Katie Williams, who moved to London from San Francisco in 2014. “For the record, my money’s on the Brits.” And in case you’re thinking of being clever, the beer has to be at least 5% ABV. Bowk.

How to punch a consenting pop star in the face

Depending on your age and life experience, you’ll know Matt Willis as either (a) that man from Busted, (b) a kangaroo-genitals gourmand or (c) that guy who was briefly in EastEnders. But there’s much more to the one-time star of the stage adaptation of Footloose than that. For a start, he likes fighting. Really likes it. “The first time I went to a Thai boxing class a guy beelined for me when we started sparring and fucking smacked me around,” says Willis. “But it was just one dickhead. Every other experience I’ve had in martial arts has been nothing but positive, especially in MMA and Brazilian jiu jitsu. It’s just a friendly environment and everyone wants to learn.” Read the rest of our interview with Willis in the new issue of Men’s Fitness, out on Wednesday 11th May. 


1. Marvel Comics keeps a list of how much each Marvel hero can overhead press. FYI, being able to press your own bodyweight is considered “normal”. 

2. Oreos are actually vegan-friendly. 

3. Being forced to walk through first class as you board a plane makes you almost four times more likely to have an air rage incident. 

4. A US biotech firm has been given the green light to attempt reviving clinically dead bodies. 

5. Most contestants on TV’s The Biggest Loser regain their weight – and still end up with metabolisms slower than other people their size.

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