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Chelsea lost 19 pounds and 18 inches with our new 10-minute workout. See how you can too!

Fit in 10: Total-Body Transformation. Real results in just 10 minutes a day!
Transform Your Belly & Body — in 10 Minutes a Day!
CHELSEA, 31: Pounds Lost: 19.4, Inches Lost: 17.75
“I'm back in my jeans from high school – and it was so easy!”

Dear Friend,

A few months ago, I was overweight, down in the dumps, and running on empty — every single day.

I'm a Pilates instructor, and even though I teach others how to get in shape, I never had time for my own workouts. The stress of running my own business also led me to skip meals until I was starving, and then I'd binge on empty calories. My weight started creeping up and up and up, while my confidence drained to almost nothing. I knew I had to do something.

That's when Prevention called. The big sister of Women's Health was launching Fit in 10, a new workout DVD, and they needed real women to test it out. They claimed that I could completely transform my body and change my life with their superfast, super-sculpting strength-training routines … and it would take only 10 minutes a day. At first I was like “Yeah, right,” but then I thought it wouldn't hurt to try, so I gave it a shot.

As busy as I was, it was easy to set aside 10 minutes a day for a simple workout. Seriously, that's less time than I spend checking e-mail or zoning out on Pinterest. So I would knock it out before hopping in the shower and then go on with the rest of my day. Other days I'd do the moves while I brushed my teeth or cooked dinner. And if I ever skipped a session, I'd double up the next day.

After the first week, I was waking up feeling refreshed and ready to go. Even after a long day, I didn't get home and immediately crash on the couch like I used to. I actually felt energized morning, noon, and night. I was stoked.

After the second week, my figure started to take shape. I was slimming down, and a fitter, firmer me was emerging. It was awesome!

At the end of the 8-week program, I had lost 19 pounds. I felt healthier and stronger, and I was back in my jeans from high school! The little red dress hanging in my closet zipped closed for the first time in years. My body and my confidence were back!

What Fit in 10 did that nothing else could is give me short but smart workouts that truly work. For too long I kept excusing my lack of exercise with “I don't have time.” Guess what. I do have time, and so do you. It's just 10 minutes a day for a lifetime of health.

It's been an amazing experience to start from such a bummed-out place and wind up where I am today — 19 pounds lighter, looking fierce, and truly feeling full of life again.

If you're a busy woman like me who has no time to work out, but you want to look and feel strong and sexy, you have to try the Fit in 10: Total-Body Transformation DVD from Prevention. Just click here. Your busy life won't change, but now your body will!

Best wishes,
Chelsea Streifeneder

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