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The 12-Day Detox You Have to Try

Prevention Look-Your-Best Beauty Newsletter
The 12-day detox you have to try
Your poor liver. When it comes to the organs we actually pay attention to, the heart and brain steal all the attention. Heck, even your bladder gets more thanks than your liver. But here's the thing: your humble liver is responsible for dozens of functions that keep your body strong and healthy. And showing this neglected power house a little love—with the super-effective, sane detox in the new book Heal Your Whole Body—can be the answer your health has been looking for.

Inside Heal Your Whole Body is a 12-day plan to flush toxins, balance hormones, and help your liver function at peak performance. After all, a healthy liver means help with a whole host of chronic symptoms, such as migraines, hot flashes, constipation, high blood pressure, anxiety, and more. And unlike other detoxes that make you take powdered supplements or drink foul-tasting concoctions that are uncomfortably reminiscent of colonoscopy bowel prep (shudder), this plan involves a healing diet of nutritious superfoods and nutrients, including 60 easy and delicious recipes.

Ready to feel better than you've ever felt? Pick up your copy of Heal Your Whole Body Today. Your liver will thank you.