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Torch fat fast with the new issue of Men's Fitness!

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from Men's Fitness
1st November 2016

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Is it time to ban the bench press?

There’s half a chance by the time you read this I’ll have been banned from every gym in the country. Why? Because inside the new issue of Men's Fitness I’ve called out the bench press for what it is. A big lift that builds a big ego but does relatively little to build a more muscular chest.

Don’t get me wrong: when it’s used in a progressive and balanced training plan, like our four-week better-body workout, the bench press makes a helpful contribution. But far too many guys focus their chest sessions on using – or waiting for – a bench and barbell. As we reveal inside the new issue, there are better moves for sculpting impressive pecs that also minimise your chance of injury (or getting stuck under a bar). Speaking of injuries, no one has been struck down more often than our cover star Lonan O'Herlihy - aka The Posh PT. But as he explains, you don’t actually need big weights to get in the shape of your life.

My point is simple. The sooner you open your mind to new ways of doing things, the better your chance of finding a better way to train, eat, sleep and live. And that’ll get you fitter, healthier and happier sooner.

Subscribe to Men's Fitness today and get 5 issues for just £5.

Enjoy the issue,


Joe Warner
Editorial Director

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Live longer by reading more

If meditating isn't for you then use some of your downtime to read a book. A study of more than 3,500 people over the age of 50 found that those who read for 3.5 hours a week were 17% less likely to die in the following 12 years than those with a dusty bookshelf, according to the Social Science & Medicine journal, and those who read even more in a week were 23% less likely to die. Short of time? Reading for just six minutes reduces stress levels by up to 68%, according to University of Sussex research.

Torch fat fast!

Think you need weights to add muscle and burn fat to transform your body? Think again. Build your best ever body by following in the footsteps of celebrity trainer Lonan O'Herlihy, aka The Posh PT, and embracing bodyweight training. Get his exclusive six-pack sculpting workouts only in the new issue - out now!

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You can subscribe to Men's Fitness magazine today and get FIVE issues for just £5! Find out more by clicking here.

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