Performing physical workout wearing the right outfit makes you comfortable as well as helps your certainty and you will most likely feel overpowered. Today, market is truth be told overflowed with assortments of workout wear and saw their enormous interest among purchasers. Picking the best quality and flawless outfits truth be told gives you bunches of points of interest. Above all else, they improve your general appearance. Moreover, they additionally keep your muscle warm furthermore dry so you won't encounter the muscle strain or issues furthermore keep you from teasing.

Raise two fingers to the weather

Don't let the challenging conditions get the better of you
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18 November 2015

Raise two fingers to the weather

Dear Workout,

Getting outdoors for a quick after-work jog seems almost impossible this week: it’s dark by lunchtime, we’re being battered by 80mph Arctic winds from a storm named Barney, and, worst of all, mince pies are already on the shelves of my local shop. This triple-headed motivation killer makes a night in with a packet of Mr Kipling’s Christmas finest a whole lot more appealing than lacing up and heading out into the frozen wastelands.

Thankfully, the challenging conditions (and premature Xmas temptations) haven’t stopped us from filling our website with everything you need to stick two fingers up to the weather and triumphantly leap outdoors. We’ve got the best running jackets for keeping the elements at bay, five winter sports holidays you’ll really want to book today, and, for those of you who still feel the rain is getting the better of you, the very best home workout kit to get you healthy from the comfort of your own house.

There’s a whole lot more just like this in the new print issue of Coach magazine, which is fresh from the printers and ready for you to pick up right now. As ever, we’d love to hear what you think of the mag. You can find us tweeting from @CoachMag, so come and say hello. 

Have a great week.


Joe Barnes,
Digital Editor

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